Become An Imperfect Action Pro With These 10 Tips


Do you find yourself wanting everything to be perfect before you hit send, apply for your dream job, make a career change or finish that house project? You’re waiting for the moment when everything feels just right and then you’ll move forward. I have a remedy: Take imperfect action.

Imperfect action doesn’t mean rushing the process or putting out sloppy work. It means B- work is A-OKAY, most of the time. Taking small, imperfect action gets you closer to your dreams rather than life passing you by because the perfect moment never came.

Use these 8 tips to help you conquer your fear of imperfect action and you’ll move one step closer to your next goal:

  1. Take one small action, any action. Taking action leads to more action. It’s hard to take the first step, but I promise it’ll lead to more. Momentum is key to taking consistent, imperfect action. 

  2. Limit your research. Don’t get stuck in learning mode where you feel like you need more and more knowledge before you put your idea, product or plan in motion. Launch and learn.

  3. Know when NOT to ask a friend. This is a hard one for me because I’m someone who likes the validation of others, but the more you learn to trust your instincts, the stronger your voice will become. 

  4. Call bullshit on perfectionism. You know you’re headed down the perfectionist rabbit hole when you say things like, “It has to be perfect and then I’ll be done.” No one is as hard on your work as you are. Spellcheck, proofread, pay attention to the details, but let good enough be good enough.  

  5. Learn by doing, not by thinking. When you were in school or taking up a new hobby did you learn more from the internship and actually practicing the hobby or from reading a book? I think we can all agree on the payoff of doing.

  6. Give yourself a time limit or deadline. If you give yourself 15 minutes to write an email, guess how long it will take? Ding, ding, 15 minutes! A ‘perfect’ way to take imperfect action is to set a specific amount of time to complete a task. When the time is up, you’re done (or pretty darn close). You’ll be amazed how often it works to get sh@# done!  

  7. Practice consistency. When you’re working on a big project or goal, break it down into smaller tasks and take action at a specific time every day (ideally the same time). The consistency will send a signal to your brain that it’s time to get to work.

  8. Embrace failure. Imperfect action is likely to lead to a failure or two (or many). But failure means you’re trying. Failure means you’re learning. And failure won’t stop you if you get up and try again.

  9. Find accountability. This is when you can enlist a friend (or coach). Find someone who supports your goals and decide how and when you’ll check in on your progress. Be specific about when you’ll complete the action.

  10. Hire a coach. There’s a reason coaches are so good at uncovering their client’s true desires and goals. We ask the right questions and provide tools and accountability to move you forward. Imagine 3 months of REALLY dedicating the time and energy to your goals and a coach being there for you every step of the way. It’s pure magic (and hard work that pays off in life-changing ways)!

I know you’re a strong, capable woman. I know you’re used to getting praise for your ability to do good work. I know you want everything to be ‘just right,’ but I also know you have big dreams, and those dreams require imperfect action. You can do it - one imperfect action at a time!

“Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction.” – Harry Truman.