How You Can Use Accountability to Achieve Anything You Want


Two years ago, I was introduced to Gretchen Rubin’s Four Tendencies framework and it changed my life! In her book, she describes how we all face two kinds of expectations - outer expectations (deadlines, appointments) and inner expectations (New Year’s resolutions, to read more). Our response to expectations determines our Tendency. You’re either an Obliger, Questioner, Upholder or Rebel.

When you understand how you respond to inner and outer expectations, you can stop beating yourself up, accept those parts of your personality and use the most helpful types of accountability to accomplish whatever you want!

I like to think of accountability fitting in two camps - Inner Accountability and Outer Accountability. For you, it might take a combination or for most of us Obligers, outer accountability is the most effective when it comes to getting something big or important done, or finally finish that thing you’ve been procrastinating on.

Here are some ideas for each type of accountability. It’s by no means an exhaustive list so I would love to hear what’s worked for you in the comments below.

Inner Accountability

  1. Plan your year, month, week and day in advance. This is incredibly helpful to avoid daily decision fatigue, allows you to identify what’s important, be strategic with your time and attention, and pivot as needed. And remember a goal without a plan is just a dream!

  2. Write down your goals. Do you know you’re 42% more likely to reach your goal when you’ve written it down?! Enough said.

  3. Use a calendar to schedule meetings for your important tasks and to-dos. Add specific times to your calendar just as you would for a doctor’s appointment or meeting with your boss. Honor your daily schedule and it’s one less decision that needs to be made.

  4. Set timers. This is one of my personal favorites and I use the Pomodoro technique. The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. There’s something so powerful about setting a timer and focusing on the ONE thing you need to work on. When you use timers, you’ll start to notice that you get more done, faster!

Outer Accountability

  1. Tell a friend or partner. Just by telling someone about your goal, you’re adding a layer of outer accountability that can help turn your dream or wish into a real goal.

  2. Find an accountability buddy. This is taking #1 up a notch. With an accountability buddy or partner, you work on a specific goal together (like meeting at the gym every MWF) or you have a standing date to check in on each other’s progress.

  3. Hire a coach. When you invest time and money, it’s one of the highest levels of accountability and support you can put in place. A coach can help you achieve your goals faster and more efficiently and help you through mindset blocks, create new habits, and provide tools and resources that keep you moving forward.

  4. Do ‘it’ with other women. Whether you put together an informal group that meets monthly or by joining a formal group coaching program like Clear & Confident or Do It Together, working with a group provides support and accountability with the added bonus of community and connection. Let’s face it, working on your goals with other women is more FUN!

  5. Join a challenge. If you’re even a little bit competitive or like doing things with others, joining a challenge can really push you to show up. These work especially well for fitness related goals.

We’re approaching the new year and while that doesn’t mean you should turn your world upside down and set 10 New Year’s resolutions, I do believe it’s a great opportunity to check in, identify your Tendency and ask yourself, “What do I need to help me move forward on the things that are important to me?”

With the ‘right for you’ accountability and support put in place, you can achieve anything you want!

Don’t know what kind of support would be most helpful to you? Let’s talk!